Monday, September 30, 2019

Ten Steps to a Home Manicure

B. [pic] D. [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] F. Ten Steps to Give yourself an at Home Manicure This is a fun, easy, and safe way to achieve polished fingernails without paying the higher beauty store prices when going through these ten steps. This is for adults only, or to do with adult supervision for younger girls, always keeping safety in mind, and always putting the products up safely after use. Before beginning, wash your nails thoroughly, even with the polish on your fingernails. Try to get your nails clean underneath your nail cartilage where it is not attached to the skin before beginning.If you notice growths, tiny knobs under there, or any redness or dirt substance that does not come out from under your fingernail bed, stop this process, and go to see a medical doctor. You will need: †¢ 1 pack of cotton balls  (cotton wool balls) †¢ 1 fingernail polish remover †¢ 1 emery board †¢ 1 nail trimmer †¢ 1 cuticle remover †¢ 1 bottle of fingernai l polish †¢ A couple of paper towels Nail polish removing. Firstly, take out as many cotton balls as needed one at a time, and safely douse each fingernail with nail polish remover, until your whole fingernail is your natural true color (colour).It is available now at the stores in bottle or sponge form. For the sponge type, you have to dip your finger into the container, usually a plastic one, and swish your finger around frequently checking it to make sure your fingernail polish is coming off. For the fingernail polish in the bottle (without a sponge embedded in it), you have to carefully tip it over using the cotton ball at the top to stop the liquid from spilling out and it is recommended that you have some paper towel handy to wipe off any excess fingernail polish remover that spills over as a result.Whichever fingernail polish remover you choose, swab your fingernails one by one until they are your natural color (colour). If you frequently use nail polish, your natural na il can become tinged with yellow, not to be confused with bold yellow, and not red or green, or swollen. If your fingernails or fingers start to become red, green, or swollen, seek medical attention immediately. If you are doing ok and your nails are now their natural color (colour) go to step 2. Filing your nails with an emery board. Next, you should have what is called an emery board.An emery board is usually a very inexpensive fingernail board used for filing down rough nail surfaces that is rough on the surface at least on one side. An emery board should not be used to scrape your natural nail surface at all. It will make your smooth fingernails rough. You can use the emery board quite effectively on the end of your nail, in order to give it a consistent shape and make the tip of your nail smooth, not rough. Emery board comes in all shapes and sizes, and you can even look for one to fit your personality or wardrobe color-wise.As soon as you are done smoothing the tips of your na ils in a uniform manner, proceed to the next step 3. Trimming your fingernails. A fingernail trimmer is used in your home nail process when you want to reshape or shorten your nails more efficiently than with an emery board. You can make your fingernails shorter using fingernail clippers, which are clippers that are small in size, designed to fit your nail shape and be able to cut your fingernail without doing any damage, but care should still be taken. You should trim your nails at least once a month if they are healthy.Never  trim unhealthy, discolored (discoloured) or brittle fingernails. Never trim your nails to the quick, which is the place where your fingernail cartilage meets your skin. Be mindful of safety, even at this stage of the process. If you have hypoglycemia, or any other disease such as Parkinson’s or nerves, do not clip your own fingernails if you might have an issue of safety. Some fingernails are hard and take some sharper fingernail cutters to cut throu gh them. If this is the case with yours, you may want to consider going to a salon or a simple medical visit and have a professional trim them, however, if not, trim away.This is mostly a basic and fun procedure for most people. Then start with step #4. Cuticle removing. Next, you need to use your cuticle remover to remove your cuticle, or actually push it down. Your cuticle is that soft skin that forms at the bottom of your fingernail at the place where your fingernail cartilage and your skin meet. Its job is to cover the place where your nail cartilage meets your skin, and make a smooth transition for that to happen. As your fingernails grow, your cuticle skin stretches, and this process of removing your cuticle pushes back that excess to promote your nail growth and health.Again, you would want to check your cuticle area for rashes, redness, swelling, discoloration of any kind, and if any of those issues are present in your cuticle, seek the advice of a medical professional befor e pushing it back. If you find that it looks pretty much like your fingernail and finger color (colour), but with a different smoother and softer texture, go ahead and push the cuticle back with the cuticle remover, which is a little stick like device with a softer but firm tip made especially for the cuticle.It is not a cutting type tool. It looks a little shorter than a chopstick, but has a necessary soft tipped end to make sure that your cuticle does not get damaged. Push back your cuticles one at a time using the cuticle removing tool. These are available from nearly any beauty supply store, or store that carries fingernail accessories of any kind. These are also relatively inexpensive. It is important to note that if at any time in your process your nails start to bleed mildly or a lot, stop this procedure at once.This is not likely to happen in a normal fingernail manicure, but it may be a warning of a problem with your own nails that may need medical attention. Pick a color ( colour) Now you are ready to pick out a nail polish color (colour) from your own home nail polish collection. Pick out a color (colour) that matches your skin coloring (colouring), outfit styles that you wear, or shade of lipstick. If you polish your nails frequently, make sure that you give them one or two days to air out and breathe naturally to promote healthy nails in between polishes. Application of finger nail polish color (colour)Each bottle of nail polish comes with it's own applicator inside the bottle, attached to the handle of the fingernail polish bottle. Just unscrew the top and scrape off the excess fingernail polish on the fingernail polish brush applicator on the side of the bottle itself. You can use a paper towel for this process, but you may end up with paper towel residue mixed into your color (colour) so I would not recommend it. Also, you need to make sure that you have a steady hand for this in order to get your finger nail polish on your fingernail area only, not on your skin.Skin always needs to breathe, and cannot with polish on it. When you are ready, take the applicator holding non-dripping color (colour) to your nails, brushing from the base of your fingernails upward towards the top tip of your nail. Make sure you coat your whole nail evenly. Starting at the base of the nail and applying polish in an upward motion helps you evenly coat your nail. Correcting polish mistakes. If you make a mistake, take a paper towel and douse it with nail polish remover, as you did with the cotton ball in step one, and try to get the excess polish off your skin using the flat edge of the paper towel.Then, if you need to re-coat that fingernail, go ahead. If not, great. Just move on to the next fingernail until you are done. Second coats of nail polish. Wait at least ten minutes before applying a second coat. You should not paint over your nails until the previous coat is completely dry. Without air, or low to medium speed fans blowing on them, it w ill take about five minutes for your fingernails to dry. Using high-speed fans near your wet nail polish can move your fingernail polish around your fingernail and mess its even coat up. Quick drying nails.You can buy the quick drying kind of nail polish at the stores, or a quick drying, clear sealer that is painted over the color (colour) of your nail polish to quicken drying if you are in a hurry. As a reminder,  do not attempt to polish your fingernails in an area that does not have proper ventilation  and do not polish your nails around close to infants. Save and print this article to have your own home fingernail painting party repeatedly. This is a fun and easy way to polish your own nails at home without paying the higher priced salon prices. Save this article, and print it out for your own fingernail painting party.Use this time as a de-stressing technique for you while beautifying your fingernails, or use this time as a special and fun group nail polishing time, invitin g your closest family and friends to have a home nail polish party with you. G. Growing vegetables can bring out the farmer in you. You till the soil and tend the plants, then reap the rewards when the plants bear fruit. Even if you don't have much sunny ground, you can still experience the pleasure of harvesting your own vine-ripened tomatoes and other crops. All you need is a generous-size container, good potting soil, and a suitable spot  ? patio, deck, or corner that gets at least six hours of full sun a day. If you do have actual ground for growing, containers can still help you overcome problems like poorly drained soil, pests such as gophers, and soil-borne diseases such as fusarium wilt, nematodes, and verticillium wilt. Also, since soil in pots warms up more quickly in spring than it does in the ground, you can get a tomato or pepper off to a faster start. And tall pots make it easier for gardeners with limited mobility to tend crops without kneeling or squatting. Vegetab les in containers add visual punch to the landscape.Choose large, decorative containers and surround them with smaller pots of colorful flowers, and you'll have attractive focal points  ? and a bounty of vegetables  ? all summer long. Garden designer Rosalind Creasy of Los Altos, California  (650/948-1588), even displays potted vegetables such as golden squash and fiery red peppers in her front yard (pictured above). Soil preparation and plant care Potting medium. Use a high-quality mix containing peat moss and perlite. Blend in a complete fertilizer, either a dry organic product  ? such as one containing alfalfa meal, bonemeal, kelp meal, or other natural nutrients  ? r a controlled-release type that supplies nutrients over a three- to six-month period. If you plan to water pots by hand, add soil polymers such as Broadleaf P4 (available at most garden centers) to the mix before planting to help alleviate the wet-dry cycle. As the soil dries out, these small crystals, whic h absorb a hundred or more times their weight in water, supply moisture to the roots. Feeding. If you use an organic fertilizer at planting time, supplement it with weekly applications of fish emulsion or reapply dry organic fertilizer according to package directions.If you use controlled-release fertilizer, give vegetables a boost by applying fish emulsion every two to three weeks. Watering. The best way to water vegetables in containers is with drip irrigation operated by an automatic controller. For each container, install a circle of inline emitters over the soil or distribute three or four 1/2-gallon-per-hour emitters over the soil surface (use more for very large pots). Set the controller to water often enough to keep the soil moist (in hot climates, that might be daily or every other day). If you hand-water, never allow the soil to dry out completely.Pests. If aphids, mites, or whiteflies attack, spray them with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. Handpick and destroy tom ato hornworms. Harvest. Pick crops when they're ripe:  beans  before the seeds swell inside the pods;  cucumbers and squashwhen fruits are fully expanded but not seedy;  eggplantswhile skin is shiny;  peppers  when fully grown and showing appropriate color (green, red, or another shade);  tomatoes  when fully colored (red, orange, or yellow). Sources. Most nurseries and garden centers sell seeds and seedlings of common summer vegetables.For unusual varieties and potato tubers, try these specialists. The  Natural Gardening Company  (707/766-9303) sells certified organic seeds, potato tubers, and seedlings of eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. Seeds of Change  sells certified organic seeds, potato tubers, and seedlings of peppers and tomatoes. Territorial Seed Company  sells seeds, potato tubers, and seedlings of eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. I. Decide what kind of a club it will be and think up a catchy name. The club should have a topic and the people in y our club should be gathering because they share a common interest.Figure out where and when your club will meet. If you would like the meetings to be held at your school, talk about it with your other club members first. Is it just once a month or twice a week you're meeting? It's important to have these details ironed out so that your members don't get confused. Make sure everyone can get to the meetings easily. If they can't come to  every  meeting, it's okay! Begin recruiting members for your club. Most members should be among your friends, but a few people you don't know well should be allowed to join so that it will become more popular.But keep in mind, having too many members can result in a lot of anger or frustration. Establish a â€Å"government† in your club. You could include: †¢ a leader (president). They should run the club, meetings, and enforce the rules †¢ a deputy leader, who's in charge when the leader cannot make it (vice president) †¢ a treasurer. They should handles the club monies, and keep track of dues for memberships, pay the bills for the clubs operations and activities. They should also keep records of all debits and credits for accounting purposes. †¢ a secretary. They should keep minutes f every meeting and read them for correction or addition at each consecutive meeting. They can assist with the activities of the club, such as events that are hosted, and give a report of the event at meetings that follow these events. †¢ a historian. They should keep a record of activities that the club hosts, etc. †¢ a head of Events. They should delegate club members to help in planning organized activities. †¢ an advertising team. They should be responsible for creating flyers etc. Decide on a club symbol, colors, etc. This should also be decided by the club and voted on.Make club IDs. Make a template with your name, the club's name, the member's rank (if they have one), contact info for the club, c lub location, and the time since they became a member. Get a motto/slogan. This step is optional, but it can help to keep everyone in the club on the right track. Make it inspirational. Have your first meeting. It's best to have snacks and some kind of games to make a good impression. Call members to remind them of the first meeting, as it's best if everyone attends. Keep moving forward. Have a good constitution to help clarify what you want to do and how.Help your officers to know what they should do and how to behave. There are books to guide you in these things – get one. J. Start small. Don't run for class president your first year out. Try one of the other positions, instead. If you're new at the school, try volunteering for a position that's not elected your first year, such as yearbook or newspaper. It will be a way to get to know classmates and the school and gain experience before you run. Recognize your strengths and interests. For example, if you like writing, run for secretary. If you're a leader, try president. Make promises.If you make promises that are appealing to the majority of people many of those people will vote for you. For example say you'll create a 5 minute break in the day. Collect a dedicated following made of friends. If they yell, shout and campaign for you people will get into mood and will think it is cool to vote for you. If you get elected president, make all of your possible promises come true, and try to make a good one, so you can get elected once more. Advertise! you're not going to win if people don't know you're running. Put up posters, hand out flyers or buttons, chalk the sidewalks around campus.Do anything you can do to get your name out there. However, make sure it doesn't go against the school rules. L. Instructions Torn Hem o 1 Trim or pull out any loose threads. Do this carefully so that you only attend to the area around where the hem has come down, and do not accidentally remove the stitching from the enti re of the dress's hem. o 2 Pin hem back into position. o 3 Thread your needle with as close to the same colored thread as you can manage so that your repair will be unnoticeable. o 4 Do slip stitches to repair the hem when you fix a torn dress.To do slip stitches, tie a knot in your thread, and pass your needle through a very small portion of the fabric on the back-side of the dress as possible. Draw the thread through this small portion until you reach the knot. Push the head of the needle through the top of the folded portion of the hem, then push the needle out again. Pass the needle through a portion of fabric above the hem, draw the thread through until you reach the end without pulling so you don't pucker the fabric, pass the needle into the top, folded portion of the hem, and repeat. Torn Seam o 5Take out or cut any loose threads, being careful to not remove any thread in the portion of the seam that is still OK. o 6 Pin the seam back together. o 7 Sew the seam back together by hand or with a machine, being careful to overlap the areas on both sides of the ripped seam that are still intact. Torn Button o 8 Replace a torn button by first removing the thread that remains in the dress when you try to repair it. o 9 Choose a thread that closely matches the thread that's being used for the buttons on the other dress. o 10 Be careful to sew on the button in the same fashion as the other buttons when you fix a torn dress.If the button is attached via a built-in loop or shank on the button's bottom, this isn't as much of a concern. However, if the button has four holes, make sure you sew it on in the same pattern, which will be either diagonally or vertically. o 11 Start sewing the button on from the back of the torn dress. o 12 Tie a knot in the thread, push the needle through the hole in the button and through the front of the dress, then pass the needle through the button and toward the back of the dress in either the hole above it or the hole diagonally fro m it. 13 Repeat until you get the amount of thread on the button you wish, then go on to the next group of holes. o 14 Finish the button by passing the needle up through and back through the button, but do not pierce the fabric of the torn dress yet. Loop the thread several times around the thread just beneath the button and on the top side of the dress, pass the needle up through one of the holes of the button, then back down the other hole to the back of the dress, and make a knot before cutting the thread.M. Getting good grades on exams is a dream of every student. But term papers can be overwhelming for many students who want to get good scores but don’t like to write. However, term papers are compulsory if you really want to succeed in academics. Writing a good term paper might not be as hard as many students think. It requires good organizational skills, good research, and immediate action instead of waiting till the last moment. Below are some tips to help you know how to write a term paper on time.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Life Full of Snails

300 Word Essay On Freedom Of Religio 300 Word Essay I chose freedom of religion because it is the one bill of rights that I believe has the broadest expansion in the constitution. I believe that†¦ Premium Use At Least Five Adverbs And Five Adjectives To Write a 150- To 300-Word Review Of a Movie, Sporting Event†¦ 6 Assignment Use at least five adverbs and five adjectives to write a 150- to 300-word review of a movie, sporting event, musical performance, or television show†¦ Premium Describe Your Role, Responsibilities, And Boundaries In Terms Terms Of The Teaching Cycle. 300 Words). your role, responsibilities, and boundaries in terms terms of the teaching cycle. (300 words). Being facilitator you need to be well controlled, well manner†¦ Premium 1000 Word Essay going to alarm his/her head and student kept wondering about the length of 1000 words essay. Students want to complete the tricky assignment as soon as possible†¦ Premium 250 Word Essay cannot simply be an easy task. Still for some students, a 250 word essay may mean too much because there are also some people who do not want to waste their time†¦ PremiumExplain Ways To Embed Elements Of Functional Skills In Your Specialist Area. (Recommended Word Count: 200-300 Words) elements of Functional Skills in your specialist area. (Recommended word count: 200-300 words) What are functional skills? The best description of functional†¦ Premium Write 200-300 Words Explanation Of How Atoms Make Up Organic Compounds, Which Make Up The Living Organism†¦ capacity of population to change over time, | Part III: Write a 200- to 300-word explanation of how atoms make up organic compounds, which make up all living†¦ PremiumAp Lit Words Essay Mark G. Period 6 01. 24. 12 AP Literature Othello Words Essay The word heaven is one of the most frequently used words in the play Othello. Throughout the play†¦ Premium Compare And Contrast Packet And Circuit Switching In 250 To 300 Wo rds. Which Is More Commonly Used? What Are†¦ Compare and contrast packet and circuit switching in 250 to 300 words. Which is more commonly used? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Packet†¦ Premium Explain The Differences Between Data, Voice, And Video Signals In 200 To 300 Words. Include a Description†¦Explain the differences between data, voice, and video signals in 200 to 300 words. Include a description comparing the differences between a private branch†¦ Premium a 3000 Word Essay Identifying Two Public Health Issues Pertinent To Clinical Placement Area; Analyse These†¦ Module Code MID 314 Assignment – A 3000 word essay identifying two public health issues pertinent to clinical placement area; analyse these with reference to†¦ Premium 800 Word Essay 800 Word Essay Food, health and medical technologies have a large impact on individuals and communities today and in the future.Throughout this paper, discussion†¦ Premium 500 Word Essay 500 word essay† The changing points to my life have been important. My life could have drastically changed if I wouldn't have done something†¦ Premium 600 Word Essay I wrote to friends, my writing is like two different languages. For essays, I would write every single word out and my letters to my friends would have almost every†¦ Premium 1000 Word Essay Table Of Content Army Programs †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 ASAP – Army Substance Abuse Program †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 ACS – Army Community Service†¦ Premium Article 92 1000 Word Essay PFC Thiel Dillon F 26 October 2012 Article 92 Essay 760th ORD CO (EOD) While at his NTC rotation PFC Thiel was tasked by SFC Graff with being at the trucks at†¦ Premium 1,000 Word Essay On The Love Story in the importance of the Postal Office in the story. Although the story seems more simple in the â€Å"w ord† sense, it also leaves a lot of room for the mind to wonder†¦ Premium â€Å"n† Word Essay when I hear it on the radio or in a movie it doesn't bother me.When I play Socom I may hear the â€Å"N† word 50 times in a two hour playing period. It is usually said†¦ Premium 300 Movie Essay and 33,000 Greeks into the Battle of Platea, Give thanks to Leonidas and the brave 300. TO VICTORY! This quote really sticks with the viewer in many ways. The first†¦ Premium 500 Word Essay On Responsibilty to quote a few references whose information seems to fit very well with this essay: We must be effective members of the Joint team. We need to think of our Army as†¦

Saturday, September 28, 2019

ELL Proficiency Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ELL Proficiency Standards - Essay Example rs (ELs),met many challenges in the long run manage and provide effective instruction for their ELs, often they dont see themselves as language teachers and so they arent sure where to begin with their students. These teachers arent alone, however, and they are facing a challenge shared by teachers across the country. Academic language is crucial for school. While the explicit instructional support that ESL and bilingual teachers provide is essential to English learners academic language development, English learners receive a majority of their instruction from general education and content area teachers who may not have experience teaching academic language development (Katz, 2010). In English, language objectives are lesson objectives that specifically outline the type of language that students attending a curriculum attend and they need it to learn and use in order to accomplish the goals of the lesson (Tomlinson, 2006). Quality language objectives complement the content knowledge and skills identified in content area standards and address the aspects of academic language that will be developed or reinforced during the teaching of grade-level content concepts (Echevarria, 2010). These objectives involve the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), but they can also include: The language functions related to the topic of the lesson (e.g., justify, hypothesize vocabulary essential to a student being able to fully participate in the lesson (e.g., axis, locate, graph) language learning strategies to aid in comprehension (e.g., questioning, making predictions). Language objectives are directly correlated to content objectives. Once a teacher determines the lesson topic from the appropriate content standards, the teacher will want to begin thinking about the academic language necessary for English learners to complete the tasks that support the content objectives (Short, 2012). This identification of the academic language embedded in the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business Behavior in a Changing World II Coursework

Business Behavior in a Changing World II - Coursework Example Creativity is considered central to innovation, seen as a complex process. Issues surrounding knowledge diffusion and intellectual property rights discussed. Policy should align research (academia) and funds (industry) within a broad innovation policy. Organisational use of technology seen as means of improving social and economic conditions within the country. Costing of R&D is discussed, highlighting problems for organisational accounting, including long term focus and lack of outcome predictability. Annotation Several of Metcalf’s definitive assumptions need questioning. All developments are apparently driven and/or funded by industry, which does not allow for academic knowledge providing new insights from which innovation can stem. New technology is considered the basis of innovation, when existing technology can be used in different, innovative ways. Technology is assessed according to its economic value, ignoring the need for knowledge generation to enable technology cre ation. The distinction between science as academic and technology as practical is arbitrary and questionable. Innovation is seen as linear and cumulative, ignoring leaps in ideas and creativity generating new technologies. (196 words) Policy Reader Chapter 8: National Systems of Innovation Freeman, C. ... 1 pp.5-24 Overview Freeman provides historical context for the importance of local/national innovation systems, beginning with List’s interdependencies of resources and industry, science and education. List advocated state involvement for long-term policies relating to industry and the economy as national innovation systems. In-house R&D functions produced growth in research but highlighted the need for rapid knowledge diffusion for progress and the importance of qualitative and quantitative factors. Globalisation introduced nation variations leading to diverse outcomes and a global position built on local success. National innovation systems should involve policies for local innovation and diffusion and includes organisation and management changes. Annotation Freeman’s views, including the different histories, ignore the political effect on economics, giving different meaning to long-term. Long-term is relative and context-specific, not a national or global standard. T he process of innovation development is portrayed as logical and linear, which is unlikely. Using the past is no guide to a future which is already substantially different to 1995. Mention of economic geography links to Krugman’s ideas of free trade and developed and developing nations. No consideration is given to the social impacts of the dichotomy, nor the issue of potential exploitation of the developing by the developed. (194 words) Policy Reader Chapter 9: The Competitive Advantage of Nations Porter, M. E. (1990) ‘Chapter Nine – The Competitive Advantage of Nations’ in Suneja, V. (ed.) Policy Issues for Business: a Reader Sage/The Open University, London Porter, M. E. (1990) ‘The Competitive Advantage of Nations’ Harvard Business Review March/April pp.73-93 Overview Porter

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Exploring CSR in aquacultural sector in Greece evaluating Nireus SA Essay

Exploring CSR in aquacultural sector in Greece evaluating Nireus SA CSR strategy - Essay Example In a recent survey report that was conducted, it was ascertained that the implementation as well as the application of CSR in an organisation fosters significant progress as well as provides business benefits. Furthermore, it has been revealed that CSR represents and depicts the company’s values and norms (ABA Section of International Law, 2008; Brennan, 2011). CSR plays an important role in aquaculture sector as well. Aquaculture deals with aqua farming which represents the farming of the aquatic organism. In the recent scenario, aquaculture is determined as a relatively growing sector and moreover, it is enabling to generate a significant extent of quality fish as well as other aquatic food items for human consumption. Furthermore, aquaculture depicts a highly diversified production sector that encompasses various systems, facilities, processes as well as products under a vast range with regard to political, social, economic as well as environmental conditions. In accordance with the present day context, aquaculture productions as well as allied trade activities have accelerated by a considerable extent. In this situation, a major concern has cropped up with regard to the negative impact of aquaculture based activities on environment, consumers as well as communities. CSR plays an imperative role in this particular sector as it depicts the prior responsibilities of an organisation. In present times, the business firms related to aquaculture are adopting an increased level of CSR initiatives in order to attain technical as well as financial assistance to comply with the competitive market requirements along with advanced marketing methods regarding aquaculture products. CSR with regard to aquaculture provides an insight on organisational development. Furthermore, CSR initiates sustainable development of aquaculture that mainly depends upon three basic factors social, environmental as well as economical. It also helps in ascertaining welfare as well as h ealth concerns of animals, environmental integrity and socio-economic aspects (Karnani, 2012; Morsing & et. al., 2006). Nireus SA group is represented as the leader in terms of the production as well as the exportation of aquaculture species on a worldwide basis. At Nireus SA, the company performs an effective set of CSR initiatives on the grounds of human beings, society and environment. On conducting the business related to aquaculture, it aims to diminish the negative impact if any on society at large as well as on the environment. The concerned company focuses on quality that reflects its compliance with legal aspects and regulations. This also frames a part of Corporate Social Responsibility (4Nireus, 2012). The concerned research study intends to â€Å"explore CSR in the aqua-cultural sector in Greece along with evaluating Nireus SA CSR strategy†. The objective of the study is to ensure and explore the CSR of Nireus SA group within Greece. Furthermore, this study entail s introduction with regard to the implementation and benefits of CSR on aquaculture sector. Moreover, this study will also ascertain about the company and its Corporate Social Responsibilities. This particular research study also presents findings based on a questionnaire survey in which a set of questions related to Nireus’ CSR initiatives have been presented. In addition, qualitative semi-structured interview has been conducted. The interview takes into account

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

SLP - 3 Negative Letters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SLP - 3 Negative Letters - Essay Example In this case, messages sent to customers possess attributes meant to foster beneficial reactions; hence facilitating realization of business goals. In this context, positive messages are usually meant to foster positive and beneficial relationships with existing customer base. However, certain situations require delivery of negative messages to clients. Within any given commercial setting, some clients may demonstrate negative business practices towards service providers. Based on financial and marketing management, undesirable practices may undermine realization of commercial goals of revenue generation and profit maximization. In such instances, business leaders should be able to synthesis objective letters meant to deliver desired messages to incorporative clients. In order to formulate an objective negative letter, one has to take into consideration relevant communication principles. Carl and Naether (2012) agree that close adoption of these principles will ensure synthesis of a letter in a manner that delivers desired message in a professional and timely manner. The first principle involves the effects of the negative letter upon reception by the target client. Negative business letters should elicit desired effects upon reception by the client. With respect to the element of effect, effective letters should be clear and concise in order to facilitate understanding by target audience. Wordings within a negative letter should possess a stern and somber mood. Suitable selection of words will ensure that receiving client understands the required effect of the communication. According to Carl and Naether (2012), the next principle takes into consideration significance of communication with respect to the business relationship. From a theoretical perspective, business persons ought to maintain positive communications with their clients. However, certain situations necessitate adoption of negative communication. In this regard, negative letters should express th oughts and emotions in a precise and accurate manner. Accuracy and precision ensure that target clients pay close attention to the causative factors of message in the letter. This will create an atmosphere where the client will appraise the seriousness of his or her negative practices. Letter To Ms. Minnie MacElroy, 27694 Bay Point Lane, Bonita Springs, FL 34134. Dear Madam, Re: Termination of Business Contract It is understandable that the current economic situation may cause constrains to most WebTastic’s clients. The company’s management express its general concerns and on the issue, and would like to thank loyal clients for their earlier corporation. As the owner of this small business, I appreciate the fact that current client base facilitated inception and growth of the company’s business objectives. We have always strived hard in maintaining relationships with clients through regular communication and feedback analysis. In situations where the companyâ₠¬â„¢s website programs develop technical hitches, we have always responded appropriately and in a timely manner. In this case, WebTastic goals seek to provide quality and responsive services to its current new clients. In certain instances, web developers worked for additional hours in order to deliver customized services to loyal patrons. In addition,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Project one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project one - Essay Example One of the books I liked reading was bed time stories. There is one story I read about a young boy who came from a poor, that most of the days instead of going to school like the other children of his age, he found himself going to the city to sell water. This is because, his mother, the only parent he had; was sick, but she could not raise enough money for the treatment. Despite all the challenges, the boy still managed to be at the top of his class, this impressed the king. The king therefore, decided not only to pay for all his school fees but also paid for his mother’s hospital bills. However, the manner in which the story ended was what captured my attention the most, it ended when the boy who was now around thirty five years old and he became the king of his country. From this story I learnt that we should not let the challenges we face in life bring us down. However, when I joined High school, some of the experiences I have had as a reader are many. For example, in most of the occasions I could not understand what the writer of the article is passing through the article. Most of the times I felt frustrated, therefore I either looked for another book or I could ask my friend to help me understand the information I was reading. As a reader, one of the things that I can ask authors to consider, when writing is the audience which the book or article is addressed to. If it is the teenagers then, it should be written in such a way that the interest of the teenagers is captured whenever they read. Recent surveys have shown that most teenagers do not like reading, this is because of the various games and electronics that are available in the market. As a result, the reading culture has gone down. Most of the researchers argue that if the trend continues then, in the long ran, the country will have a generation of people who cannot read and writ e (Slaouti

Monday, September 23, 2019

Case Study - Strategic Leadership Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

- Strategic Leadership - Case Study Example Maytag always thrived on quality and remained customer-focused for its strategic predispositions. If a firm is operating along diverse business lines with a wide portfolio of products but not able to assure quality, even the broad line strategy fails because the proposition satisfies organization’s business and profit motives. On the contrary, if a firm operates in a single line of business and allows multiple communication streams to its customers, chances of its success are more likely on the grounds of focus on core competencies, clear vision and craving for customer loyalty by means of enhanced quality and performance every time. The strategy of Maytag matched this philosophy where its planning was aligned with supplier collaboration, involving other business entities in the decision making process of the company and a streamlined supply chain with monitoring and control at all levels. Such factors accounted for the unprecedented growth and superior performance of Maytag C orporation. Question 2 Earlier also, Maytag tried to carry on with the farm machinery and refrigeration business in conjunction with its laundry business. However, the move at that time was not accompanied by need of growth and expansion as was done during 1980s. Saturation of the laundry market compelled Maytag to revisit its decision of expanding its product line and foraying into related appliance market. Though refrigeration and home appliances were the two options available for Maytag to diversify, the latter seemed more lucrative as refrigeration had already been dropped off by Maytag. This might have made the former proposition cloudy and doubtful for Maytag. Secondly, the major rationale behind Maytag’s entering into the appliance market was to encash the availability of numerous technological advancement opportunities and bargaining power from suppliers prevailing. Maytag was already a reputed name in the market and had close connection with suppliers, better control of consumer psyche and brand image of a quality and price conscious company. These factors would definitely help Maytag replicate the legendary performance in the appliance sector as it had done in the laundry business. As such, with resources intact, Maytag should proceed to broaden its product line. In doing so, Maytag can provide greater number of connecting points to its customers with that of its business propositions and fill in the gaps with its value added products. Its collaborative relationships with suppliers and inter-functional departments will help in maximizing revenues and reducing costs through business excellence and experience. Question 3 Broad line strategy emerges after a company has performed well in serving a single market of the entire segment. In Maytag’s case, it is the Numero Uno leader in laundry segment of the home appliance market and its strategic competencies of superiority, customer-oriented philosophy, in-house production capabilities and co st economies are but obvious. Unlike laundry business, other appliance segments are characterized by technology, investment and changing consumer demands. In this light, Maytag has the alternative of either going for a licensing venture or a strategic alliance or acquisition. In the case of former, licensing will enable Maytag to concentrate on

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hallucinogen Use Among Teenagers Essay Example for Free

Hallucinogen Use Among Teenagers Essay Kaleidoscope perspective, strange sounds, indescribable feeling of love and admiration towards others, life in slow motion, and the feeling of floating in air outside ones body — these are just some of the things that can be experienced in the world of hallucination, a dream world that is marked by a deep state of unreality or imaginary perceptions. Many people today, most especially the youth, are discovering ways in which they can visit this dreamlike state without the sleeping process: by indulging into a special kind of illicit substance known as hallucinogen (Harmon, 2009). Because of hallucinogens capability to alter an individuals perception, more and more teenagers are becoming hooked into this form of drug without taking into consideration its impact on their health and well-being. Although it has been widely acknowledged that illicit hallucinogen use significantly decreased during the latter parts of 1990s, recent studies showed that teenagers are having a renewed interest in using this form of drug due to its availability, the perception of reduced risk, and higher peer support upon its usage. Various researches even revealed that a teenager as young as 12 years old has easier access obtaining hallucinogenic drug alongside other illicit substances. As such, parents and school administrators alike have a growing concern over the increasing number of teenage hallucinogen users. With the re-emergence of the use of hallucinogen among the youth, it is therefore imperative to take into perspective and analyze the impact of the pertained drug among its users, the factors that contribute to teenagers indulgence in this form of drug, and the drugs level of accessibility among this group. Hallucinogen: An Overview To give depth to the subject being discussed, it is highly important to understand its origin and nature. Hallucinogens, also commonly referred to as â€Å"psychedelics,† are a diversified group of drugs that have the capacity to alter an individuals mood, thoughts, and perception. As they are heterogeneous in nature, hallucinogens are notorious for their varying chemical contents, mechanism of actions, as well as adverse effects on the users. While hallucination is perceived as the instantaneous effect of using such drug, hallucinogens are also known for changing moods and thoughts as they disrupt the normal functioning of a persons serotonin system, which is responsible for controlling pain perceptions, moods, and sleep-wake cycle of humans (Richards, 2006). The proliferation of hallucinogen is not a new phenomenon as it has been used by humans for thousands of years for the purpose of both religious and mystical experiences. In the Hindu holy book, â€Å"Rig Veda,† the use of a substance known as â€Å"soma,† which is said to be capable of inducing high levels of consciousness, has been mentioned. This substance is extracted from the juice of a hallucinogenic mushroom known as Amanita Mascaria. Meanwhile, in the pre-Columbian era Mexico, Aztecs used â€Å"teotlaqualli,† a paste from â€Å"ololiuqui,† a hallucinogenic flower, during their religious ceremonies. Aztec priests and soldiers rub the hallucinogenic substance on their skin as it is believed to reduce fear and induce proper mental state needed while servicing the Aztec gods. Similar to this, aboriginals from Mexico were also noted for their long history of â€Å"peyote† usage, a hallucinogen containing mescaline that is also used for religious ceremonies. In Salem, Massachusetts, it was once believed that hallucinogens are the main cause of unlikely behaviors of the alleged witches during trials (Richards, 2006). Basically, there are two types of hallucinogens: the natural, which can be obtained from raw plants, and the synthetic varieties or man-made. Natural hallucinogens come from plants that grow in the wild or in â€Å"drug farms. † These varieties may include some forms of mushrooms and the cactus plant, peyote. Some flowers such as morning glories are also known for producing hallucinogenic chemicals. Marijuana, which comes from cannabis plants, is also identified as a comparatively weak form of hallucinogen. Technically, all of these are not considered as drugs as they are naturally occurring substances that contain hallucinogenic chemicals (Harmon, 2009). In contrast with natural hallucinogens, synthetic varieties of the said drug are produced in laboratories with variations of other substances to further enhance its effects. The very first form of synthetic hallucinogen is Lysergic Acid Diethylamide 25 (LSD), discovered by Dr.  Albert Hoffman of Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland during 1938. LSD was accidentally discovered while Hoffman was experimenting on drugs that have medical purposes. The doctor did not realize the drugs mind-altering effects until 1943 when he accidentally consumed the drug and experienced hallucination. Interest in LSD did not receive the attention of many until 1960s when Timothy Leary and his colleagues at Harvard University began experimenting the drug to themselves and advocating its use due to the alleged heightened feeling of intra- and interpersonal understanding, spirituality, and increased level of productivity it brings. As such, academics, artists, and students alike were swayed to use LSD. Also included in this group of psychedelics are phencyclidine (PCP) or â€Å"angel dust,† which is considered as the most dangerous form of hallucinogen that can be in powder, tablet, capsule, or beverage form; Foxy Methoxy; Dextromethorpan (DXM) or â€Å"robo,† a cough-suppressing ingredient found in over-the-counter cough and cold medications; and Ecstasy (MDMA) and Special K (ketamine hydrochloride), two other hallucinogenic drugs that are becoming increasingly popular among teenagers, to name a few (Harmon, 2009). Teenage Hallucinogen Use Figures  Abuse of drugs has been a major public concern since the 1960s, and it cannot be denied that it is still an ongoing societal issue. For the most part, teenagers played a significant role in the rise of drug abuse, as they are easily persuaded to engage in such activity. Perhaps, a few other points in history have been strongly related with hallucinogen use other than 1960s. For one, rampant experimentation with hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, psilocybin, and peyote became an important part of the American pop culture, influencing aspects such as music, clothing, language, and art. Likewise, the said practive also served as a catalyst for the establishment of the counterculture known as the â€Å"hippie era. † Notable in this period of hallucinogen experimentation was the participation of teenagers who tried psychedelic drugs at an unprecedented rate. The first National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) in 1972 reported that 5 percent of Americans, most of whom are under 18 years of age, admittedly used psychedelics at least once. By 1980s, the use of psychedelic drugs dramatically declined due to the introduction of cocaine. However, in the early 1990s, the interest in hallucinogen resurfaced and was distributed even in the most unexpected places such as schools, targeting the student population (Travis, 1997). While a vast number of resources indicated that the figures have dropped during the mid-1990s, recent studies have shown that the illicit use of hallucinogens is once again reemerging. Alarmingly, the rates are much higher compared to the teenage active users during the 1960s and mid-1990s, and worse, these teenage hallucinogen users are much younger than expected. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) in 2007, about 34. 2 million Americans at the age of 12 or older reported that they have tried using hallucinogen at least once in their lifetime, which can be translated to 13. 8% of the said age groups overall population. Similarly, in the 2008 survey carried out by â€Å"Monitoring the future,† it was indicated that â€Å"3. 3% of eight graders, 5. 5% of tenth graders, and 8. 7% of twelfth graders† admitted to a lifetime usage of hallucinogens. These figures are levels higher compared to the 2007 percentages of â€Å"3.  1%, 6. 4%, and 8. 4%† of the respective grades. In this respect, the statistics significantly reported a higher increase in the numbers of teenage hallucinogen users (Monitoring the future, 2008 cited in Office of National Drug Control Policy [ONDCP], 2009). Hallucinogen Drug Sources: The Internet and Club-Drug Scenes With the given figures above, one may wonder how the teenagers manage to gain access to these hallucinogenic drugs. There are various means that can be adopted in order to obtain such forms of illicit drugs that can bypass the traditional channels of doing so. The Internet as well as the urban club scene is identified as two of the major sources where hallucinogenic substances can be obtained. Internet: A New Vast Source of Illicit Drug Information The reemergence of illicit hallucinogen is prevalent among teenagers; it has been identified that this same societal group is also the heavy users of the World Wide Web or Internet. The Internet is known as a powerful tool that can provide unlimited access to various kinds of information. Due to such capability, the Internet is also considered as a breeding ground for the rise of unlawful practices that are within the reach of young individuals. In a 2001 study carried out by John Halpern and Harrison Pope Junior, they have concluded that by using the Internet, potential hallucinogen users can learn in great detail how to obtain hallucinogenic drugs. During the time of their research, Halpern and Pope, through the use of standard Internet search techniques, located 81 hallucinogen-related sites and categorized the information found on the said sources. Some of the sites they have found explain to its users how wild plants containing hallucinogenic substances can be identified. Some provided information where hallucinogenic plants are commercially available, while some sell strains of hallucinogenic plants that can be grown. They have also located sites that provide chemical recipes for synthesizing all of the hallucinogenic substances that are categorized in the Schedule I list and other non-schedule hallucinogen analogs. Additional sites that sell hallucinogenic plant materials were also located. They have also uncovered Internet travel industry that offers tours to countries where hallucinogenic potions can be ingested in the context of traditional rituals. Finally, the researchers also came across myriads of sites that are carrying hallucinogen-related information which include keyword-searchable database that offer information regarding personal hallucinogenic experiences, street pricing, scientific articles, and paper clippings related to hallucinogen drugs. Contrary to the thousands of pages available for underground hallucinogen information, limited linked sites were directed towards government agencies that caution users against the dangers of using hallucinogen drugs. Likewise, only few Internet users visit these federally funded databases which are in deep disparity with the number of visits that underground sites receive (Halpern Pope, 2001). With the constantly evolving nature of the Internet, the sources found by Halpern and Pope (2001) represent only a small margin of the overall hallucinogenic-related sites found over the Internet. However, this study only proves that teenagers, being the frequent users of the World Wide Web, can come across pools of hallucinogen-related information just by typing in keywords at the appropriate prompt. Automatically, links after links of sites that supply detailed information concerning botanical and synthetic hallucinogens can be followed by the teenagers. Most of the information found on these sites are unchecked for accuracy and have yet to be described in present addiction and psychiatry textbooks, clinicians as well as the legislative authorities (Senay, 1998; Miller, 1998; cited in Halpern Pope, 2001). In addition to this, as the Internet can serve as a ground for the perpetration of unlawful practices, phony prescriptions can be used by teenagers in order to avail of prescribed drugs that contain certain amount of hallucinogenic substances. Although many reputable online pharmacies require authentic prescriptions before giving out drugs, it cannot be discounted that with todays experienced online users, the authenticity of such prescriptions can be altered. In some instances, there are Internet sites that are made to look both legal and official when in reality, they are not. These sites provide teens with easy-to-fill-out online questionnaire and ask for money; within days, the teen can already receive the drug that he or she purchased online (Hutchinson, 2006). Club-Drug Scenes Adolescence is the period where young individuals usually go out and meet people of their same age to socialize. Various places have been created in order to cater to their needs, and these are the places where they can usually hang-out together and enjoy their lives away from the sight of their parents. Clubs are the most common hang-out for teenagers and adults; these are the venue where they can release their energy and at the same time meet various people. As the number of teenagers who patronize such environment continuously grows, so is the number of these clubs. Hence, the number of club-drug venues and the use of addictive substances have been notably increasing as well. The term club-drug commonly refers to the specific drugs used by teens or even young adults who frequently visit music or dance clubs that are especially geared for their age group. Hallucinogens are often reported as the most common form of substance used in club-drug venues, specifically LSD, Nexus, Ketamine, and Ecstasy. These hallucinogenic drugs are frequently used in a gathering known as â€Å"rave,† a large-scale party carried out in a temporary location that allows participants to dance in trance-like tunes, experience light shows and other special effects, and take drugs. The attendance and participation in these events serve as the affirmation of the individuals involvement in club drugs (Golub, Johnson, Sifaneck, Chesluk, Parker, 2001). Unlike other social events that use traditional media to advertise their future affairs, the promoters of raves do not use such medium in order to market their events to people. Instead, they use underground and semi-spontaneous advertisements, such as word-of-mouth, recorded phone messages, handbills, and the Internet, that are directed towards their desired clientele. As police intervention serves as a serious threat to this event, one technique used by promoters to avoid issues with the authority is to notify the participants about the date and time of the rave through the Internet, and phone numbers are given out for further information (Golub et al. , 2001). Once inside these venues, participants are then welcomed with a special genre of music that enables participants to release their restrictions. Such trance-like experience is further enhanced through the use of psychedelic drugs, which more often than not combine memories, associations, and hallucinations altogether, making the participant feel a sense of enlightenment (Golub et al. , 2001). Although present-day rave music and activities do not come in parallel with that of the hallucinogenic culture during the 1960s, there are still aspects of that period that manifest itself in the raves of today, such as the emphasis on attaining personal enlightenment and the promotion of non-violence through the use of hallucinogenic drugs (Travis, 1997). In addition to this, raves and other events where hallucinogen drugs can be easily obtained such as trance parties and dance clubs are appealing to teenagers because they often serve as a gateway for escaping the stifling apathy of mainstream society by offering a time-out through illegal yet leisurely activities (Golub et al. , 2001). Teenage Vulnerability to Hallucinogen Use One may wonder what makes these illicit drugs so attractive to teens. There are myriads of reasons that can be derived to address this simple question. First, teenagers are very susceptible to use hallucinogenic drugs due to their inquisitive nature as well as their inclination with experimentation. More often than not, the cycle of addiction begins with a mere curiosity. In order to give in to the call of their curious minds, teenagers would then experiment by taking in small amount of the hallucinogenic drug just enough to get them high. As a hallucinogenic substance gives a short-term psychedelic trip that is initially pleasant or more often euphoric, these sensations provide teenagers the false feelings of worry-free life or nirvana. Over time, they will then need more amount of the hallucinogenic drug in order to acquire the same effect and to get the same high as the ones they felt before, thereby launching the cycle of hallucinogen addiction (Hutchinson, 2006). Another reason for the vulnerability of teenagers to hallucinogen drug intake may be attributed to their perception of reduced risk. Because of the so called â€Å"mind expansion† capability of psychedelics that can be bought at a cheaper price compared to other drug counterparts, teenagers tend to overlook the adverse effects of such drugs. Various evidences showed that more and more teenagers consider both Ecstasy and LSD harmless, which perhaps explains the increase experimentation of young people with the said forms of hallucinogenic drugs. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not seen any therapeutic use for hallucinogenic drugs. Likewise, a variety of studies reported that current available psychedelics posit unpredictable effects and substantial risks that may harm the life of its users (Abraham et al., 1996 cited in Hanson, Venturilli, Fleckenstein, 2005). Similar to this is the fact that little media coverage has been devoted to hallucinogen use, and fewer opportunities exist in order to present the adverse effects of the said drugs, thereby contributing to the â€Å"generational forgetting† of teenagers about hallucinogen to the extent that it has even penetrated the school grounds (Johnston, OMalley, Bachman, 1995, p. 12 cited in Travis, 1997, n. p. ). Peer pressure also plays a significant role in a teenagers indulgence in hallucinogenic substances. As the need for acceptance is very much appealing for a teen who does not feel that he or she fits in and does not have high self-esteem, other teens can introduce the use of hallucinogen as a form of welcoming the other teenager. As such, in order to fit into the â€Å"cool† crowd, the teenager would eventually give in to the temptation so as to feel the belongingness that he or she is looking for. Conclusion Based on the facts and information presented in this paper, it is apparent that the illicit use of hallucinogenic drugs is a reemerging public health problem that could greatly affect teenagers. Because of the relatively inexpensive pricing and noncompetitive network of distribution of the hallucinogenic drug as seen in its availability over the Internet and club venues, more and more teenagers are swayed to take such drugs without taking into consideration its adverse health effects. Other factors that affect the consumption of hallucinogenic drugs among teenagers may be attributed to the perception of reduced risks that these drugs pose as well as peer pressure. While it may be true that the off-shoot in the number of teenagers using hallucinogen may not severely threaten law enforcement at this point, if this trend of hallucinogenic use among teenagers will persist, various issues may arise that could affect not only the individual user but the community as a whole. Concerns for public safety are deeply related to the use of hallucinogen. Such can be perceived with the upsurge of income-generating crimes and crimes of violence. It should also not be overlooked that the continuous existence of hallucinogenic drugs presents a great threat on the health and safety of these young individuals. As such, it is therefore critical to place stricter law enforcement efforts in disrupting the production and distribution of hallucinogens so as to avoid their adverse effects not only on the teenage users but the whole societal system as well.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Windows 2008 Network Services Essay Example for Free

Windows 2008 Network Services Essay DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. DNS stands for Domain Name Server. What these two concepts do is get a unique identifier known as a (MAC address) from any computer. When the DHCP gets the MAC address from a computer it provides an IP address for that computer allowing it to access the Internet. When the computer accesses the Internet the DNS memorizes IP addresses of websites that a computer users wishes to. The reason DNS does this is because all of the websites have domain names. Domain names are translated to IP addresses. One example is Facebook. is Instead of users trying to memorize this IP Address, it just makes it easier to access Facebook or even all the IP addresses that users visit. DNS makes internet surfing easier just using alphabetic letters for easy access. For two computers it’s not worth setting up a DHCP because when the two computers want to access the Internet, they will be provided the first available IP address. If you have five computers it would be a great idea to setup a DHCP because with setting up a DHCP you could set permissions which monitors what the other computers could access the Internet for, how long they could be logged in using the Internet and their activities. Now, if there were twenty-five computers it would be perfect to have a DHCP because each computer will have its own IP Address and the IP address would never expire. Also, with a DHCP you could get permission in what any users is able to do in their specific accounts between the network computer and you are able to monitor the daily activities of each user.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Pumps industries and scope of submersible

Pumps industries and scope of submersible Overview Of Pumps Industries And Scope Of Submersible Pumps In Global Market Indias economy is based mainly on agriculture and it is the backbone of the country. Indias agriculture depends upon the timely monsoon and the amount of rainfall in any year. To avoid the uncertainty and vagaries of the monsoon, farmers in India resort to various methods of irrigation. India, being a vast country with much variation in geographical conditions, needs several irrigation techniques. In areas of shallow water levels (1-6 metres head axial flow or mixed flow pumps are used to lift water. Where water levels are at 6-40 metres head or on river sides, mostly radial flow pumps are used. For deep bore wells submersible or jet or compressor pumps are used depending on head and discharge requirements and on availability of water in the bore well (yield). Pumps are the vital elements in an enormous range of fluid handling applications and range from small household pumps to immense units utilized in the water, chemical and energy industries. Pump performance requirements and duties vary considerably in terms of material of construction, wide range of temperature, pressure, viscosity, density etc. Pumps are employed in almost all the industries. Pumps Industry In India The first electric motor in India was manufactured in Coimbatore in 1930 and thereafter the motor pump industry expanded rapidly there. Today 60% of Indias requirements of domestic and agricultural pumpsets are made in Coimbatore. The Southern India Engineering Manufacturers Association (SIEMA) (established in 19522)has 215 members, most of whom manufacture motors and pumps of various types. Indian pumps are made according to the specifications of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Coimbatore (with 1.2 million population) is also famous for Textile machinery manufacture and is rated sixth in the world. It is called the â€Å"Manchester† of South India due to the presence of hundreds of spinning mills, cloth and garment manufacturing units in and around Coimbatore. Besides Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Calcutta and Dewas and the other places where agricultural pumps industries are situated. Similarly Rajkot, Agra and Kolhapur are famous for oil engines and Rajkot alone acco unts for 50 percent of engines production. Special Criteria For Motor And Pumps Design: Apart from the general requirements for motor and pump design such as rating, power factor, head, discharge and efficiency, the following factors are to be considered during design of pumpsets. 1) In India, the three phase electricity power supply to villages varies from 240 450 volts with a 47.5 to 51 cycle frequency (standard 415 volt and 50 cycle frequency). Average power supply is 6 to 8 hours daily during summer and most of the time, power supply is around 240 300 volts. In the single phase, voltage varies from 140 250 volts. 2) During summer the ambient temperature is 35 to 40 degree calcius with dry humidity, when hear dissipation by motors or engines is poor. Hence pumpsets are designed for such extreme conditions. 3) The literacy level in Indian villages is very low as is the economy. Consequently, people cannot afford to spend on the maintenance of equipment. Hence, motors, pumps and engines are designed for easy installation, trouble free operation, and easy maintenance for a long service period. Small Industries Testing And Research Centre. ( SITARC) This centre was set up in 1986 for testing motors, pumps, monoblocks, submersible pumps, raw materials and for calibration of instruments. SIEMA contributed an 8,000 m2 piece of land to SITARC where the testing centre is now functioning. The present cost of the land is approximately US$ 500 000. SITARC has the following divisions and facilities: Ø Mechanical, electrical, materials testing and meteorology divisions Ø Research and development, design and engineering divisions Ø HRD/consultancy/information cell Ø Prototyping products and tools in model tool room SITARC is approved as a research centre by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. It is accredited by NABL in the disciplines of mechanical, electrical, chemical and fluid flow and recognized by the Bureau of Indian Standards for ISI testing. Test certificates are recognized by the Export Inspection Agency, RITES, Ministry of Defence, State Electricity Board and the State Water and Drainage Board. SITARC Pump Institute funded by UNDP, UNIDO, Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu, is in the process of setting up the most modern pump testing institute. The cost of the project is US$ 5 million. Product Quality And Performance Of Pumps Industries At Global Level: The BIS assists exporters and industry to meet international standards and quality specifications for global acceptance through its standards formulation, certification, technical and other related activities. BIS is actively involved in the International Organization for Standardlization (ISO) and International Electro- Technical Commission (IEC) and also participates in various technical committees of ISO and IEC. Product quality begins from the selection of raw materials. The BIS has defined materials specifications for each component of pumps and motors and has specified time schedules for calibration of gauges, meters and other tools used in regular testing of pumps. All industries are required to keep calibration records of their equipment and meters. It is mandatory that qualified and properly trained technicians and inspectors are appointed to conduct testing. Most industries have their own quality control systems which are used during the manufacturing stages of each component. A few SIEMA member units are beginning to obtain ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 system certification. Medium and large scale industries use the latest model CNC machines and fully computerized testing facilities to achieve the desired quality. BIS has issued separate standard specifications for each type of pump. Similarly, testing facilities for agricultural, Jet and Submersible pumps are also specified by BIS to be followed by the industries. Each pump manufactured will undergo the following testing procedure before dispatch. Routine Test For Motor: 1) No load current, watts, speed (clock wise and anti clockwise) 2) Breakaway test to find starting torque 3) Full load test of watts, amps, speed, power factor, efficiency slip and temperature 4) For single phase motor, test for moisture proof and current leakage for user safety Routine test for Monoblock in addition to motor test: 5) Test for overall efficiency of the monoblock 6) Test for guarantee of Performance at duty point 7) Overload test in operational range. Because of such a stringent quality control system, pumpsets thus manufactured will have high reliability and superior performance. Types, Perfomance range and price of Indian Pumps at Global Level: 1) Axial flow pumps 2) Monoblock pumps- single phase (240 Volts) 3) Jet centrifugal combination pumps 4) Monoblock pumps- three phase (415 Volts) 5) Submersible Pumpsets 6) Direct coupled or belt driven centrifugal pumps Axial Flow Pumps Axial flow pumps or propeller pumps are used for a head range of 1-6 metres and give high discharge. No priming is necessary for this pumps and it operates at 80-90 percent of pump efficiency. Capacity Head Rnage (cm) output lps 5-30 HP 1-6M 60/300 Prices for Axial flow pumps vary depending on the requirements of head and discharge. Single Phase 2880 Rpm Centrifugal Monoblocks These pumpsets are easy to install, lightweight, ruggedly built and designed for trouble free operation. They are of monoblock construction with a common shaft for the motor and pump. High efficiency of these pumps minimizes power charges. Numerous applications include irrigation of small land holdings, garden, domestic water supply and circulating systems. Motor are made of TEFC body and covers are of cast iron with capacitor start and run, Class â€Å"B† insulation running at 2880 RPM and enclosures with protection IP44 IP 55. Pumps are of end suction, centrifugal design. Castings are of cast iron. Impellers are bronze and dynamically balanced. These Monoblocks are fitted with high quality mechanical seals for long reliable life. Jet Centrifugal Pump Combination Sets These pumpsets are used in borewells are openwells where suction depth is 8-60 metres. They are easy to install on borewells of 75 mm (3†) and larger. As there are no moving parts inside the borewell jet units, maintenance is easier than with submersible pumps. Jet units are available in many sizes for various suction lifts. Three Phase Monoblock Pumpsets Motors are the TEFC 1440/2880 RPM squirrel case induction type. Pumps are the single stage, and suction type and are fitted with cast iron impellers and castings. Stainless steel bushes and brass impeller locking nuts are provided at the pump ent. Gunmetal gland, stainless steel studs and brass nuts are fitted to avoid rusting and to make it easy to replace asbestos packing ropes. Various models are available in monoblock range for selection to meet specific requirements. Three Phase Submersible Pumpsets Submersible motors are designed to operate with 250/450 volts, 50 Hz, 3 phase AC supply. They are fitted with wet type, water-filled, water lubricated squirrel cage induction motors. The motor casing is of stainless steel. The starter winding is made of PVC/Polyester film, wrapped around waterproof copper winding wires. The rotor laminations are fitted with electrolytic grade copper rods, and the ends are brazed with forged copper end rings, mounted on a stainless steel shaft, which is hardened and ground to ensure long life. The shaft is supported by two sets of leaded bronze journal bearings lubricated by water. The Axial thrust generated by the pump is absorbed by a thrust bearing fitted at the bottom of the motor. The motor is seated on radial seal rings. The pump is of multistage centrifugal design, with radial or mixed flow impellers which are of bronze and dynamically balanced. The diffusers are designed to give best possible efficiency and are built into the castings with replaceable guide bushes for easy maintenance. The pump shaft is made of stainless steel hardened and ground. A strainer is fitted at the inlet of pump to prevent entry of solid particles. Single phase submersible pumpsets suitable for 100 to 115 mm borewells are also available. Submersible pumps can be installed in bore wells and very deep wells for irrigation schemes, domestic uses and industrial requirements. Submersible pumps are versatile and are suitable for sprinkler irrigation schemes as booster pumps. Submersible Pumps Suitable For 150 Mm Bore Diameter Direct coupled and belt driven centrifugal pumps are single stage, radial flow and suction type with horizontal shaft and vertically split casings. Pumps are fitted with pulleys or with flexible couplings, to be driven by electric motors or diesel engines. Direct coupled pumps are supplied with a common base plate for fixing the drive units. Diesel Engine Vertical four stroke cycle, single cylinder compression ignition â€Å" water cooled†/ â€Å"air cooled† cold star diesel engine. Diesel engines are designed as prime movers for agriculture, with high efficiency, low fuel and lubricating oil consumption. Grade: 15 and Grade: 20 cast iron and EN 9 matetials are used in the manufacture of these engines. Rigid inspection of components at every stage of the assembly makes every part easily interchangeable. Each engine is tested thoroughly for speed, output and fuel consumption according to the BIS specifications. Thermo-Syphen or a fresh water system is used for wated cooled engines. A blower is attached with a fly wheel for air cooled engines. Single cylinder diesel engines are manufactured up to 10 HP and for above 10 HP, multi cylinder diesel engines are manufactured according to specifications. Electrical Starters And Switches Starters for direct-on-line or manually operated Star-Delta models are suitable for 220 and 440 v-50 Hz, three phase or single phase A.C. These are built-in with over load and single phase protection with bimetal relay arrangements, silver oxide bimetal contacts and other standard features to protect the electric motor from varying supply conditions. Product Average Price FOB Durban $ 3-10 HP range 101 12.5 HP range 106 Three Phase Iron clad Switches (Rewireable): Capacity RatingAverage Price FOB Durban ($) 16 amps 16 32 amps 30 63 amps 69 100 amps 140 Indian Pump Industry Poised To Increase Global Share The Indian Pump manufacturers have traditionally catered to the needs of domestic market. In India, pumps are mainly used for pumping water from wells in households. With the effect of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization) the Indian pump manufacturers have started exporting to foreign countries, where pumps are used for various purposed in different industrial sectors like, oil refineries, steel mills, mines etc. This has led to the increasing trend in export of pumps. Indian Pump Industry is capturing more and more market in the world. Exported to around 70 to 80 Countries, the Indian pump industry is poised to register a faster growth rate than the global average to capture a bigger slice of the international market, states an industry. ‘The Indian Pump industry is set to grow at 6-7 percent over the next three years as against the world pump market, which stands at euro 10 billion and is expected to grow at 4.0 percent per annum, says by Y.I Buch, president of Indian pump Manufacturers Association, in press released published on The Industry, which currently has euro 500 million global market share, ‘is expected to grow at a rate faster than the world pump market growth, capturing a larger share of the market, states the study released by the Confederation of Indian Industry(CII). Among machinery, pumps are produced and used in the largest numbers, second only to electric motors. According to industry estimates, India currently produces around one million pumps of various kinds an uses worth around Rs. 900 large, medium and small units producing pumps in the country catering to a range of sectors from agriculture to industries including nuclear power generation. ‘Indian pump manufacturers are able to meet most of the domestic market demand, states Sarita Nagpal, head of manufacturing services of CII, which works closely with the Indian Pump Mnaufacturing Association. Exported to 70 countries, including developed countries, Indian pump industry exports have registered 11 percent growth in the last two years after reversing a negative 11.5 percent trend in 2002-03 to clock 45 percent growth in 2003-04. ‘India has today become a reliable, technically competent, competitive and enterprising outsourcing option for many multinational companies in industrial pumps and systems, said Buch. The growth story has emerged through technical collaborations and joint ventures that Indian companies have had with multinational majors. ‘Technical know how of global standard has thus been well absorbed, Buch said. In addition, various research institutes such as the Small Industries Testing and Research Centre (SiTarc) in Coimbatore, have developed energy-efficient designs for pumps to meet the norms of Indian Standards, keeping in mind manufacturing feasibility with only the basic facilities of small-scale sector. The Indian Pump Industry has an outstanding record of indigenous research and development in all three areas of technological intensities from mass produced pumps for agriculture to gigantic pumps for interlinking rivers, and pumps for critical services such as nuclear power generation, said Nagpal. Keeping pace with changing global standards, the Bureau of Indian Standards has developed 42 sepcifications for indigenous pumps. Till date no other country in the world has set specific norms for minimum efficiency. The norms for minimum efficiency have also been periodically upgraded, such that even the minimum norms are close to 95 percent of internationally recognized ‘chart efficiencies, said Nagpal. Spares, Accessories, Availability And Supply To Global Market For each pump, a trouble shooting and repairing manual, installation and maintenance hand book and spare parts catalogue I supplied to help the customer understand the procedure to follow in dismantling, reassembling and ordering spare parts. Centrifugal, monoblock, jet and submersible pumps consume minimum spares during their lifetime. The manufacturer will specify the required spares for each pump or batch of pumps ordered and these spare parts, can be supplied with the consignment. As most of the items are in regular production, any requirement can be met at short notice and delivery can be arranged. Service Assistance For Installation And Maintenance Centrifugal Pumps are easy to install and run. For Submersible and Jet Pumps, an installation guide book is provided with each pump. Proper training can be provided for a few mechanics at the suppliers premises. SITARC will also have training facilities for pump assembly, testing as well as installation techniques which can also be utilized. Further a few engineers can be made available to train local people at various centres by organizing seminars and classes. Joint Venture With Local Private People. In India economic reforms have been in progress since 1991. Joint ventures, either in India or with African countries are encouraged, depending on the requirements. Joint Ventures either in India or with African countries are encouraged, depending on the requirements. Joint Venture in Africa is possible when the requirement of pumpsets by value is US $ 3 to 4 million per year. Interested parties can contact SIEMA. Most MNCs were initially interested in exporting to the Indian market, but soon realized the need and economic viablility of indigenous manufacturing and working out a joint venture of foreign direct investment for manufacturing. Apart from labour being cheap, availability of technologically skilled and knowledgeable manpower with communicative competence made them to favourably consider the above. MNCs feel that manufacturing base in India can help not only to cater to this market but also to markets in Asia and Africa. Conclusion: It is hoped that the above information is useful. The similarity between India and Southern and East African countries in respect of soil, monsoon pattern, climate, water table, literacy levels, literacy levels, electric system and user method, makes Indian pumps ideal one for African countries.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Empathy essay- my life as a slave (capture to the auction) :: essays research papers

MY INTRODUCTION TO SLAVERY We don’t have the same limitations as other people of different tribes do. I am a free woman, or shall I say I was a free woman. I am the wife of our tribes chief –Jankay Boto, that’s where I got my surname, Boto. Before my marriage I was a Touray. My father, or Paupa, was the chief of the tribe Adance. The two tribes, Adance and Denkyira, my husband’s tribe, are in the same village, Juffure. The two tribes have been friends for as long as anyone can remember, I mean they have been friends for since like ever. That’s how I got married into this tribe. As these tribes are very close to each other I can visit my Paupa’s house whenever I want. I, being the daughter of the tribes chief, was allowed to study but up till a certain age and when that age I came I wasn’t willing to stop my studies but my father and my brother wanted me to leave school and help my mom in the rice plantations. However this didn’t satisfy me, so I oppose th is idea up till my male relatives agreed on me having further studies and I did succeed, thanks to my mom. Now I teach to small children in my tribe and they are quite happy with me. My students include my 2 children, Brima and Saloum. I do more of religion there, I teach my students about Islam –my religion. My name is Yaisa Boto, and now you will learn about my life in detail. I had a very respected position in my tribe. People came up to me for consultancy because of my high experience of life. Apart from teaching I also did some house works with my slaves. I did not want to lay a heavy burden on their shoulders, I believed in justice not injustice. My husband and I had a couple of fights involving the slaves; he disagreed on the fact that I had to work with them but I ignored him. I did not want the slaves to do a lot of work. They just cleaned the house prepared the meal and did other such things. My slaves were not treated as slave; they lived in a comfy condition, they were never mistreated. I never saw them as slaves. The only two things that gave them this name, slave, were that they weren’t paid and they didn’t have the right to own property.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Changing Role of the Hero in The Red Badge of Courage Essay

The Changing Role of the Hero in  The Red Badge of Courage      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage, the concept of the heroic figure begins to shift farther away from clearly defined characteristics. The idea of a single individual rising up to heroically conquer in any situation lost favor with the changing views of the nineteenth century leading Crane to address as a theme "the quandary of heroism in an unheroic age" (Beaver 67) by creating in Henry Fleming a figure both heroic and non-heroic all in one. His exploration of the concepts of courage and cowardice shows them to be opposite sides of the same coin as evidenced in the heroic figure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through Henry's progression in thoughts, Crane explores this changing view of the hero. As the book opens, "the youth [Henry] had believed that he must be a hero" (Crane 50), as he set out as a newly enlisted man. Awaiting the call of his first battle, Henry reflected that "[s]ometimes he inclined to believing them all heroes" (Crane 75) based simply on their role as soldiers. However, when confronted with the reality of battle, Henry soon noticed that "[t]here was a singular absence of heroic poses" (Crane 86). Trying to cope with his own inadequacy, Henry finds himself always lacking in comparison with those around him. As they marched along he thought that heroes "could find excuses . . . They could retire with perfect self-respect and make excuses to the stars" (Crane 123). Marching among those heroes wounded in battle, "they rendered it almost impossible for him to see himself in a heroic light" (Crane 125). Henry began to despair "th at he should ever become a hero" (Crane 126). However, through a new confrontation in battle, Henry found himself funct... ...a of his "red badge" of cowardice known only to him, he earned his "red badge of courage." However, the necessity of a turn in character to create the final hero is still evidenced. By showing the close relationship between the negative and positive aspects of a single characteristic--in this case confronting battle with either courage or cowardice--Crane opens the door for an infinite understanding of what makes a hero by demonstrating that perfection is not a necessary characteristic.    Works Cited Beaver, Harold. "Stephen Crane: The Hero as Victim." Modern Critical Interpretations: Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage. Ed. Harold Bloom. NY: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. 65-74. Crane, Stephen. The Red Badge of Courage. Intro. Pascal Covici, Jr. NY: Penguin Books, 1985. Credy, Edwin H. Stephen Crane. Rev. Ed. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1980.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Case Study Discussion: Walgreen Co. Essay

Please discuss the following: Review the Balance sheet of the latest Walgreen Co. 10k Filing. Select two of the following questions to review/discuss: 1. Which current assets are the most significant? 2. Which non-current assets are the most significant? 3. Asset the level of debt and risk that Walgreen has by looking only at the balance sheet. 4. Evaluate the creditworthiness of Walgreen based on the balance sheet 5. Does Walgreen use off-balance sheet financing? Explain your answer. 6. Compute the current ratio and debt ratio for the past two years. 1. Which Walgreen current assets are the most significant? In 2011, Inventories were the most significant current asset ($8,044 million). The Inventories section of Note 1, Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, advises Walgreen Co. valued 2011 inventories with the last-in, first-out (LIFO) cost method. Had Walgreen elected to use the first-in, first-out (FIFO) cost basis for the 2011 inventories would have been greater by $1,587 million. GAAP permits companies to select which inventory accounting method they will use to report inventories (LIFO or FIFO). Companies must state the method selected in the financial statement notes. Most companies calculate the value for both methods and select the method with the lower tax liability. For the past couple of decades, costs have risen (inflation). LIFO has been a popular choice as it produces the largest cost of goods sold expense, the greater the expense deduction the lower the taxable income. 6.Compute the current ratio and debt ratio for the past two years. Current Ratio = Current Assets Current Liabilities Debt Ratio = Total Liabilities Total Assets 2011 2010 Current Assets $12,322.00 $11,922.00 Current Liabilities $8,083.00 $7,433.00 Current Ratio 1.52 1.60 2011 2010 Total Liabilities $12,607.00 $11,875.00 Total Assets $27,454.00 $26,275.00 Debt Ratio 45.9% 45.2% Current Ratio measures a company’s ability to pay current liabilities as they come due. It is a measure of short-term liquidity, an indicator of how easily a company can pay amounts due for the next 12 months. A current ration greater than 1.0 is considered healthy as it indicates a company can meet all its upcoming expense for the next twelve months. With a debt ratio of 1.52, Walgreen appears very health. Of concern, is the decrease from a  2010 debt ratio of 1.60. Further investigation is warranted. If this trend continues it could indicate mismanagement of company assets. A look at the notes gives a clue into the reason for the decline. Note 4, Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, state in 2011 Walgreen completed several acquisitions. Through the acquisitions, Walgreen assumed additional debt. The increase in liabilities explains the decrease in current ratio. With this in mind, current ratio is within acceptable limits. Debt Ratio indicates the percentage of the company financed by debt. It measures solvency, an indicator of a company’s ability to pay back long term debt when due. A low debt ratio indicates less financial risk and strong solvency. Debt ratios greater than 100% indicate a company has too much debt and will have trouble paying back principal with interest. Walgreen’s debt ratio for 2011 is 45.9%, up 0.7% from 2010. Considering the increase in assets and liabilities from the acquisitions Walgreen completed in 2011, a 0.7% increase in debt ratio is acceptable. A debt ratio of 45.9% indicates Walgreen is solvent and should have no issues paying back long term debt as payments come due. References Schoenebeck, K. P., & Holtzman, M. P. (2010). Chapter 1 – Balance Sheet. In Interpreting and analyzing financial statements: A project-based appro2ach (pp. 38-39). Boston [u.a.: Prentice Hall. Ormiston, A., & Fraser, L. M. (2013). The Balance Sheet. In Understanding financial statements (10th ed., pp. 56-59). New York, NY: Pearson Education.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: The Craving Chapter 16

November 12, 1864 Life with Damon is like playing chess with a mad person. I can think of a thousand different possibilities to defend against, a thousand different moves he could make, and then he goes and changes the rules of the game. It's just his newfound predilection for casual violence that makes him so incalculable, but the way he revels in it. Though blood is our diet, we as vampires at least have a modicum of self-will. Damon doesn't have to let his dark side win, and yet he embraces it. I view this change in him with horror and guilt, as I was the one who set him down the path of the vampire. Katherine was the one who changed him, but I force-fed him his first human. After seeing his message to me I can't consider leaving the Sutherlands until I have figured out a way to keep them all safe. What my brother did to Callie†¦ it obviously isn't beyond him to just dispose of the entire family once they serve their purpose. But when will he take action? At the wedding? After the wedding? After the honeymoon? Next year? Could I spirit the girls away somewhere? Could I convince them to hide? Could I compel them to? Damon managed to find me here, could he find me – or them – anywhere? I have to come up with a plan, in case Damon doesn't just leave town with his newfound fortune. Of course, the simplest solution would be to kill Damon. Voil – one maniacal, insane, unpredictable, murderous vampire gone, the world, and myself, a thousand times safer. That's assuming I could do it. I am so much weaker than he is, it would have to be done by surprise or guile or something equally underhanded, like a knife in the back. Like he killed Callie. There isn't any point in thinking that way. I will not stoop to his level. He is my brother. And as awful as he is, he is the only relative left to me. The next day, time flew by as if it had nothing better to do than gallop me toward matrimony. Before I knew it, I'd been stuffed into my suit, force-fed pancakes, and spirited over one hundred blocks north to the altar, where I stood awaiting my fate, as the Sutherlands unknowingly awaited their own. Damon and I stood side by side in Woodcliff Manor's great hall – the pretty family chapel nearby was far too small for Bridget's tastes. The Richards were kind enough to let her use their home at the tip of Manhattan Island. It was really more of a castle than a home, with gray towers, parapets, and decorative portcullises, all made from the gray rock that jutted seamlessly out of the rocky promontory on which it sat. Not so far from there, outside the arched gothic windows, were the remains of Fort Tryon, the site of a sad defeat of Continental forces under George Washington by the British. My thoughts drifted as I imagined redcoats and scrappy American soldiers and puffs of gunpowder†¦ and then something occurred to me. Katherine could have witnessed such a battle. I never asked how old she was – perhaps Damon did – but she was far older than her appearance suggested. She had probably witnessed events I only read about in history books. I shivered at the thought, but the chill was instantly dispelled by the incredible heat in the room. Damon and I stood in front of a crowd of more than two hundred of New York's finest socialites, all sitting uncomfortably in hastily pulled together pews. They had no idea how dangerous it was for them to be there. I pulled at my collar and tie, which suddenly felt too tight, my vision blurring. The room shifted and morphed, and for just a second, the finery and skin of every wedding attendee melted off as though they'd been caught up in a blaze. Skin flaked off like corn husks, leaving behind pure-white bone and twisted tendons. â€Å"Stefan!† Damon hissed, elbowing me. I realized then that I was clutching his arm. â€Å"Do I need to call a medic for you?† he asked sarcastically. I shook my head, wondering what illness had overcome me. The crowd came back into focus, alive, happy, laughing, and fanning themselves discreetly. Even I had to admit that Mrs. Sutherland had done a fantastic job working with Mrs. Richards and her housekeepers. A rich red carpet had been laid out, and it was scattered with so many rose petals you could scarcely see the fabric beneath. Pink, white, and deep, deep red, it looked like a beautiful trail through a magnificent rose garden. Garlands of expensive and exotic flowers hung along the pews, and the scent of orange and lemon was heavy in the air. Overhead hung giant balls of flowers like fireworks in petals. Vases in every gothic arched nook and cranny held elegant arrangements of grasses and blooming branches of quince, enhancing the woodland effect. Everyone wore full formal regalia, tailcoats for the men, some with diplomatic sashes. Heavy moire silks for the older women, lighter for the young women, yards and yards of fabric swirled around their feet like more rose petals. Hats were decked out in plumes and gems and sometimes entire birds. And the real heirloom jewelry had been pulled out for this occasion, pearls and diamonds and rubies on every neck and wrist, some gems the size of my thumb. All the women had fans, of course, made from silk and painted in Japan or England, and they tried to flutter them delicately, but most wound up just flapping them as fast as they could. The ladies' countenances remained stubbornly rosy despite their efforts to keep pale. Everyone whispered and talked excitedly, and of course I could tune in to any conversation I felt like listening to with my enhanced hearing. I almost didn't mean to, because it was the same in every seat: â€Å"†¦ so quick. Only met a month ago. Did you hear the story? He was so chivalrous†¦.† â€Å"†¦ lucky girl. I hope my Lucretia marries as well†¦.† â€Å"Apparently, the youngest Beaumont threw herself at DeSangue, but he only had eyes for Lydia†¦.† â€Å"†¦ such a handsome man! And a count!†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"†¦ yes, but who's that other one again? Marrying Bridget?† I closed my eyes, wishing I could close my ears. How I longed to be back in my grotto in the park. â€Å"Seems like old times, doesn't it, brother?† Damon sighed, adjusting one of his cuffs. â€Å"In another life, you and Rosalyn would be married already.† â€Å"Shut up,† I said. He was right, though. If Katherine hadn't killed my childhood playmate, I would have married her. Back then, I thought a forced marriage with someone I didn't love was the worst fate imaginable. How innocent I was†¦. I continued smiling, although it must have looked forced by that point. My eyes darted over the crowd, seeking out anyone in a badly matched scarf. That morning I had managed to grab and drain a pair of white doves, initially intended to be released as a romantic gesture after the wedding ceremony. But when was the last time Damon had fed? Or did he have a big, bloody feast planned? â€Å"Look at us, together,† Damon whispered, nodding at someone in the crowd and smiling. â€Å"We make quite a handsome pair.† â€Å"I'm doing this,† I whispered, â€Å"to save lives. Now be quiet.† Damon rolled his eyes. â€Å"You're no fun, brother. I hope you develop a sense of humor soon, or it's going to be a loooooong eternity.† The wedding march began, saving me from having to respond. Margaret's husband and Bram, ushers, came down the aisle first. The remaining ushers were callow youths who flirted outrageously with the bridesmaids they escorted. The girls wore pretty matching peach gowns and absolutely giant hats†¦ but I noticed that one had a slightly different accessory from the rest. Hilda wore a hastily tied kerchief around her neck. I glared at Damon. He shrugged. â€Å"I got a little peckish waiting around.† In truth, I was a little relieved – it meant he wasn't starving himself in anticipation of something later. Finally came Winfield, proudly striding down the aisle with a daughter on each arm. Lydia walked regally and easily. She wore a simple white gown of heavy material whose folds rustled with her movements. It went to the top of her neck and the bottom of her wrists, and its only ornamentation was a line of pearl buttons down the front. A net veil hung behind her, floating down her back. She looked like a fairy-tale queen, and smiled with a secretive look that only added to her beauty. On Winfield's left arm was Bridget, wearing her brocade and satin. She actually looked quite beautiful, if a bit overdone. An enormous lace veil perched on top of her head like a crown. It was hard to imagine, now, that I'd ever seen anything of Callie in her. Where Bridget was frilly and immature, Callie had been independent and practical. Thinking of Callie now was a bad idea. Time slowed down. Bridget's foot rose and fell, bringing her a few inches closer to me. Her skirts drew forward, as if of their own accord. Her mouth opened and closed in a giggle that sounded far-off and distorted. And then came the distinctive scent of lemon and ginger. Everything blurred – Katherine? Suddenly, instead of Bridget coming toward me dressed as a bride was the woman who had brought me to this place. Her thick black hair was caught up in a lace veil, revealing her perfect shoulders and neck. The blue cameo gleamed on her neck. She lowered her head demurely, but beneath her long lashes her eyes danced mischievously in my direction. She pursed her lips and I felt my knees weaken. Did Damon see her, too? I looked askance at my brother, to see if he was thinking or seeing the same thing I was. Whatever compelled me to feel the way I did about Katherine, true love or a vampire's Power, I was still under her spell, haunted by her. But Damon's face was a perfect mask of happiness and love. Time started back up again. Bridget resumed her place in my sight, smiling excitedly up at me. And then the girls were before us, and the priest was there, and rings were in our hands. It was, thankfully, a fairly short ceremony. The priest gave a speech about love and read several nice passages from the Bible that I would have liked in any other circumstance. I wasn't sure whether to pray that the priest go on, and on, and on, and give me as much time as possible before the inevitable, or if he should just hurry up and get it over with. â€Å"If anyone here knows of any impediment why these two couples may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony, you do now confess it.† I looked around the room, hoping someone would stand up and object. Maybe Margaret would speak out, with some sort of proof that Damon DeSangue wasn't who he said he was, or that I was some sort of Confederate spy, or†¦ The oldest sister shook her head and gritted her teeth, but kept silent. I may have imagined it, but I think her mother's hand had an iron grip on her knee. Damon went first, marrying the elder bride. I wasn't listening; there seemed to be a dull roar in my ears that was so loud I was surprised no one else could hear it. What was going to happen when it was over? Would the Sutherlands make it through this night? Would I be forced, on my wedding day, to fight my own brother to the death? â€Å"Repeat after me,† the priest finally said. I did as I was told. â€Å"I, Stefan Salvatore, take thee, Bridget Lynn Cupbert Sutherland, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till†¦ death us do part.† I almost choked, and could only hope that the audience thought I was overwhelmed with emotion. â€Å"I, Bridget Lynn Cupbert Sutherland, take thee, Stefan, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.† She forgot my surname, and from the look in her eyes it was because she was thinking about the night before. And then there was a ring in my hand. A simple gold band with my and Bridget's initials inscribed on the inside. Precious metal binding me to my fate. I took Bridget's hand. My voice came out surprisingly clear and calm. â€Å"With this ring, I thee wed, and with my worldly goods I thee endow, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.† I slipped it on her finger. She squealed in joy. I kissed her. It was hard and quick, hopefully long enough for the audience to appreciate. Bridget clung to me, trying to make the moment last. She tasted of mint. I felt terrible. And just like that, I was a married vampire.